First time trying one of my Tutorials? Then please check my Terms of Use before you continue

You will need:

Font of your choice - I used one called KlingonDagger

Tube of your choice - I will be using the artwork of Arthur Crowe

I got License and Tubes when he was with PTE

You can now get his Tubes and a License at Arthur Crowe's Factory



VM Toolbox/Grid

AAA Frames/Foto Frame



Ok let's begin

Open a New Image 600x250

Change your Foreground color to a Darker color from your Tube

Change your Background color to a Lighter color from your Tube (do not use white)

Click your Foreground color again and make a gradient using these settings

Flood Fill image with this Gradient


Effects> Texture Effects> Blinds ... with the following settings

and rename this layer "Background"


In your Materials palette you will need to Swap Colors

Layers> New Raster Layer

Flood Fill this layer with Gradient


Effects> VM Toolbox> Grid ... with the following settings


Now select your Magic Wand ... with the following settings

Click inside the white line area

Hit DELETE on your keyboard and lower the layers opacity to 50%

Selection> Select None ... Rename this layer "Noise"


Duplicate this layer twice (for a total of 3)

Activate the "Noise" layer

Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise ... with the following settings


Activate the "Copy of Noise " layer

Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise ... with the following settings


Activate the "Copy (2) of Noise" layer

Adjust> Add/Remove Noise> Add Noise ... with the following settings


Apply a Drop Shadow to all 3 Noise layers (3 times on each layer) with the following settings

Color of your choice

Paste your Tube as a new layer

In your layer palette move this layer to the top

Move into a position you are happy with and add a Drop Shadow of your choice


Crop Image to size 600x250 ... Selections> Select All

Selections> Modify> Select Selections Border ... with the following settings

Hit DELETE on your keyboard

Keep selection

Activate the "Noise" layer ... Hit DELETE on your keyboard

Activate the "Copy of Noise " layer ... Hit DELETE on your keyboard

Activate the "Copy (2) of Noise" layer ... Hit DELETE on your keyboard

Selection> Select None


Apply Effects> AAA Frames> Foto Frame ... with the following settings

to ALL layers

Add Copyrights and your Name

Now it’s time to save your Tag ready to be animated
File> Save As ... under "File Type" choose PSP Animation Shop (*psp.)




Here is another example by my friend Sezy


Tutorial written on the 07/01/2011 ©David Hanslip