First time trying one of my Tutorials? Then please check my Terms of Use before you continue You will need: Font of your choice - I used one called 3-D Perspection Tube of your choice - I will be using the artwork of Ismael Rac License and Tubes available now available at Scraps and Company
Filters: Mura’s Meister/Copies Eye Candy 6/Gradient Glow DSB Flux/Bright Noise DSB Flux/Bubbles
Make a Custom Selection ... with the following settings Flood Fill Selection with a color from your Tube Selections> Select None
Effects> Texture Effects> Weave ... with the following settings (Weave & Gap color of your choice)
Image> Free Rotate ... with the following settings
Effects> Mura's Meister> Copies ... Cards (default settings) Effects> Image Effects> Offset ... with the following settings
Layers> Duplicate ... Activate the top layer ... Image> Mirror Image> Flip ... Rename this layer “Right Cards” Activate the Bottom Layer ... Rename this layer “Left Cards” Duplicate layer twice (for a total of 3) ... Activate the “Left Cards” layer
Effects> dsb flux> Bright Noise ... with the following settings Effects> dsb flux> Bright Noise ... click on the Mix button once then on ok Effects> dsb flux> Bright Noise ... click on the Mix button once then on ok
Activate the “Left Cards” layer Effects> Eye Candy 6> Gradient Glow ... with the following settings Darker shade of the color you used to Flood Fill at the start of this Tutorial Repeat this Gradient Glow on ALL other layers
Paste your Tube as a new layer Effects> Mura's Meister> Copies ... Wallpaper rotate (default settings) Effects> DSB Flux> Bubbles ... with the following settings Move this layer to the Bottom in your layer palette (if not already there) Activate the “Right Cards” layer
Paste your Tube as a new layer Position to your liking and apply a suitable Drop Shadow Crop image 600x250 Effects> AAA Frames> Foto Frame ... with the following settings Apply the above to ALL layers
Activate the Tube layer ... Selections> Select All Selections> Modify> Select Selection Borders ... with the following settings Hit DELETE on your keyboard Activate the “Right Cards” layer and hit DELETE on your keyboard Activate the “Copy (2) of Left Cards” layer and hit DELETE on your keyboard Activate the “Copy of Left Cards” layer and hit DELETE on your keyboard Activate the “Left Cards” layer and hit DELETE on your keyboard
Selections> Select None Hide the "Copy of Left Cards" and "Copy (2) of Left Cards" layers Add Copyrights and your Name
ANIMATING Edit> Copy Special> Copy Merged
Go back to Animation Shop ... Edit> Paste> After Current Frame "Copy of Left Cards" layer and unhide the "Copy (2) of Left Cards" layer Edit> Copy Special> Copy Merged
Go back to Animation Shop ... Edit> Paste> After Current Frame
Here is another example by my friend Sezy
Tutorial written on the 09/07/2011©David Hanslip |