First time trying one of my Tutorials? Then please check my Terms of Use before you continue

You will need:

Font of your choice - I used one called Bea

Tube of your choice - I will be using the artwork of Ismael Rac

License and Tubes available now available at Scraps and Company


L en k/Paris (also known as L&K Filters)

AAA Frames/Foto Frame

Mura's Meister/Copies


Ok let's begin

Open a New Image 600x250

Select your Flood Fill Tool and change your

Foreground to a color from your Tube and your Background to another color from your Tube

Click on the Foreground Color again and change it to a Foreground-Background Gradient ... with these settings

Flood Fill layer with your Gradient


Effects> L en K> Paris ... with the following settings

Activate your Preset Shape Tool ... with the following settings

select a preset shape of your choice (I will be using Star 2)
Anti Alias - checked
Create as Vector - checked
Line Style - Solid
Foreground color - Null
Background color - White

Draw out your preset shape onto your canvas (look at stars on my tag for a rough size)

Objects> Align> Center in Canvas ... Layers> Convert to Raster Layer

Effects> Mura's Meister> Copies ... *Line (default settings)

Activate your Mover Tool and move the line of your shape near the top of your tag

(look at my tag for reference)

Layers> Duplicate

Move the line of your shape near the Bottom of your tag

(look at my tag for reference)

Layer> Merge> Merge Down ... Change this layers Blend Mode to Overlay

Layers> Merge> Merge Down

Paste your Tube as a new layer


Position to the left side of your tag and add a suitable Drop Shadow (resize if needed)

Layers> Duplicate ... Image> Mirror

In your layer palette move the duplicate Tube down so it is the middle layer

Change this layers Blend Mode to Soft Light

Layers> Merge> Merge Visible


Effects> AAA Frames> Foto Frame ... with the following settings

Layers> New Raster Layer ... Flood Fill with a color from your Tube

Selections> Select All ... Selections> Modify> Contract ... by 1

Hit DELETE on your keyboard ... Selections> Select None

Add Copyrights and your Name ... Layers> Merge> Merge Visible

Now all that's left is to save your image as a PNG

Tutorial written on 30/04/2011©David Hanslip